
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Violence in Goloka?

Vaiṣṇava - Sometimes in the Nikunjas deer skin is used...How to understand that? Deer skin?

Advaitadās -  Yes. āstīrya raṅkavam upary upayukta muktam ullocam unnata mudo militā babandhuḥ (Kṛṣṇa Bhāvanāmrta 3.6) - "The manjarīs spread out a deer-rug in Rādhā's room". Gokula (the eternal abode of divine sweetness) is a timeless world. There is no time there. There is no past in which anyone was slaughtered.

Vaiṣṇava - Translation mistake?

Advaitadās - No. Also Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa are decorated with deer musk (cibuke mṛga-nābhinā, Vilāpa-kusumānjali 39). Normally, the deer is killed for that.....

Vaiṣṇava - But how then does deer skin appear there?

Advaitadās - Nothing appears in Gokula. It is always there.

Vaiṣṇava  - Ok. Mystical

Advaitadās  - There is no past there.

Vaiṣṇava  - Ok. But still...why deer skin? Due to its softness?

Advaitadās - It is pleasant.

Vaiṣṇava - Ok.

Advaitadās - Musk smells delicious.

Vaiṣṇava - But no deer is killed.

Advaitadās - There is no death in Gokula.

Vaiṣṇava - Indeed.

Advaitadās - It is called amṛta. a = not, and mṛta = death.

Vaiṣṇava - Understood. So these things and substances exist eternally for the pleasure of Them.

Advaitadās - Śrīmad Bhāgavata (10.13.60) says in Vṛndāvana natural enemies love each other -

yatra naisarga-durvairāḥ sahāsan nṛ-mṛgādayaḥ |

mitrāṇīvājitāvāsa-druta-ruṭ-tarṣakādikam ||

"There (in the Lord’s abode) there is no anger, greed, and so. Natural born enemies like humans and animals such as deer, lived together there as friends."

The commentators to this verse mention natural enemies like men and lions, snakes and mongooses.

Vaiṣṇava - Thank you. We surely have limited minds...

Advaitadās - It is important to escape from time space limits we know here - linear time.

Vaiṣṇava - Exactly. And "origins" of things.

Advaitadās - Cause / effect. We lie in the causal ocean. It is our conditioning. Like 'where the jīva comes from'? It is a useless question.

Vaiṣṇava - Eternal existence = no cause.

Advaitadās - Yes.

Vaiṣṇava - Questions like "Who created the siddha deha?"

Advaitadās - Where there is no beginning, there is no cause.


  1. Interesting. However talking about timelessness from the experience of time is purely philosophical. We can also say that since when jiva attains his nitya seva once liberated from jagat there is no question of now, past and future. He was always there. Otherwise there is no meaning of nitya seva, eternal service. If it starts at one point it is not eternal.

  2. In Srimad Bhāgavat the Lord is many times described as wearing pita kauśeya vāsa, yellow silken cloth - (S.B. 3.28.14, 4.8.48, 10.13.46, 10.73.2)

    Ivory is also used (dānta means elephant tooth) dāntaṁ sa-sindūra-samudgakaṁ parā - "A sakhi carries an ivory box" (Govinda Lilāmrita 1.83), and
    svastidākhya-bahu-ratna-virājad-dānta-kaṅkatikayā pariśodhya - "A sakhi uses an ivory comb" (Govinda Lilāmrita 2.72)
