
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Niranjan Prasad Das (1912-2008)

Niranjan Prasad Das and Advaitadas, before Sadhu Baba's Samadhi, March 2000

Today I received a letter from my Guru-bhāi Golok Ghosh, informing me that my foremost Guru-bhāi Nirañjan Prasād Dās passed away on April 26, 2008. He was 96 years old and outlived his daughter Kṛṣṇā Dās by nearly two years. I will offer an obituary to this monumental bhakta later. A pdf file of my satsanga with him is available on my site, under the linktab 'Articles'.

আমার বন্ধু -এত বড় বন্ধু, এত বড় পারমার্থিক সম্পর্ক । এই সম্পর্ক ইহ-পর কালে ছিন্ন হবে ন । আমার সব আছে, কিন্তু এর মধ্যে অদ্বৈত আমার বড় বন্ধু । এইটা প্রশংসা নয় - এইটা truth, actually so"

'He is my friend, such a great friend. It is such a great spiritual connection. This connection will never be severed - not in this life nor in the next. I have everything, but among all this Advaita is my greatest friend. This is not a glorification, it is actual truth."

(Nirañjan Prasād Dās, Navadvīp, March 2000)


  1. My condolences Advaitadas Ji. I genuinely feel saddened to hear of the loss of your gurubhai, Sri Niranjan Prasad Das.

    kRSNa bhakta viraha vinA duHkha nAhi dekhi para


  2. How sad, the loss of yet another senior Vaishnava! Often you have quoted Sri Sri Niranjan Prasad Das-ji here on your blog. He was obviously a deeply learned and devoted Vaishnava. He will be deeply missed without a doubt.

  3. My condolences and heartfelt sorrowful prayers are with you at this point. Another great Vaishnava has left this earth to return to the divine pastimes of Sri Sri Radha Krishna Yugala, oh may we soon follow in his footsteps!
    Sudevi dasi

  4. For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, and will not come into being. He is eternal, ever-existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.

    BG 2.20

  5. Wow Malati. Did you mean to come off sounding so cold and heartless? I trust not. Instead of words of sorrow for the loss of your senior godbrother you tell us how he is not his body?

  6. Malati contacted me the next day to share my grief deeply and sincerely. It was not her intention at all to sound cold with this quotation. Rather, I would expect everyone, you in particular, to keep a respectful attitude in this time. I will not allow this blog to be violated the way the blog on Madangopal Goswami's passing away was.

  7. Though I did not know or meet him, I feel some inexpressible sadness. Another great soul has left us. You have my heartfelt condolences, Advaitaji. Radhe-Shyam!

  8. radhe radhe
    I feel very sad that u'r Guru Bhai has entered Nitya lila.He will be definately enjoying Radha krishna passtimes by the mercy of Guru and Nitai Gaur. It seema that he was very dearer to u.
