
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Corrections of the Grantha Ratna Pañcakam

Two corrections to my publication "Grantha Ratna Pañcakam ":

Bhakta: In your publication ‘Grantha Ratna Pañcakam’ by Viśvanātha Cakravartī, on page 58 (Camatkāra Candrikā, ‘Meeting in a doctor’s dress’) you translated:

“She told Vidyāvali: "Vidyāvale! My daughter-in-law will personally you!”
Is the word ‘decorate’ missing here or what? I also have a hard time to understand the next sentence: “I swear you, don't say that you will not accept them.” (what?) Be quiet!!, after which (after what?) Śrī Rādhikā personally decorated Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who was disguised as Vidyāvali."


yo mām sakhīnām purato'pi naiva sasāka sambhoktum ayam priyo me
ṣvaṣrvānanāndus ca samaksam eva mām nirvivādam samabhuṇkta bādham (92)
vāmyam ca kartum mama nāvakāṣo 'bhūvam param kevala daksinaiva
kim tvadya vāṇchā januso'pyapūri taccarvitam bhuktam aho muhur yat (93)

Advaita: "It is true. the missing word is 'decorate'. I replaced 'them' with 'these ornaments'. After 'be quiet' the quotation marks must be closed."

Bhakta: "I swear you, don't say that you will not accept them - I would put [the ornaments]"

Advaita: “After which” should be totally taken out. “be quiet” is the end of one sentence - a new sentence should start: "After Jaṭilā gave that order, Śrī Rādhikā personally decorated....."

The correct text of that paragraph should then be:

"She told Vidyāvalī: "Vidyāvale! My daughter-in-law will personally decorate you! I swear you, don't say that you will not accept these ornaments. Be quiet!!” After Jaṭilā gave that order, Śrī Rādhikā personally decorated Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who was disguised as Vidyāvalī.”

Bhakta: And on page 118, Prem Samput verse 135-137, Kṛṣṇa says: "Through My flute I cannot have have My desires fulfilled." There is two times the word 'have'. It should be just once."

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